Monday, November 8, 2010

My Annual Pre-Christmas Rant

Well, folks... it's still weeks till Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but I know some of you are already focusing on Christmas (yeah, yeah, yeah... and Hanukkah!) (December 1-9
this year!), so here it is... Bill's Annual Buy American Rant!

You know the deal, folks. Happy 'ol Bill is "Mr. Year Around Bah Humbug" when it comes to consumerism at the best of times, but as Christmas approaches...


...all I can think of is all the foreign made - often Chinese made - crap that people are loading up on in order to celebrate the Birth of Christ.

(Yeah, yeah... I know... he was born in the summer. Give it a rest, won't ya?!)

Here's what I'm saying: Buy American!

See... I'm not even harping on the evils of materialism or spoiling the kids... (though these are huge problems in and of themselves...)

Look at the label before you purchase a present. If the label reads, "Made in China," at least consider whether there's something else you can purchase... another gift... something "Made in U.S.A."

A bottle of wine... a bottle of booze... a bottle or six-pack or case of micro-brewed beer...

A gift certificate to a local restaurant... to a local nail salon... to any business owned and operated by a local merchant...

Com'on, folks... use your heads... all it takes is a bit of thought and perseverance.

When you go in to your local Walmart, Target, Sears, Macy's, Kmart... whatever... ask to speak to the store manager and tell him or her that you expect to find "Made in America" products in the store!

Demand "Made in America" Products...!

Com'on, folks... you're not stupid... perhaps you've noticed that the Nike sneakers you just paid $90 for were made in some Asian factory hellhole and... oh, did I mention... you just paid $90 frigg'n dollars for them!!!

Hey... have you been underwear shopping lately - T-Shirts let's say? What are you paying for a two or three-pack of Jockey T-Shirts at Kohl's...??? (I just surfed on over there and it shows a two-pack of men's tall Jockey V-Neck T-Shirts regularly sells for $23 frigg'n dollars...!!!)

Folks... where's the god-damned "savings...???" You're seriously telling me that American factories couldn't produce frigg'n T-Shirts that sell for $12.50 a piece while making a profit...?!?!

Do you really need more cheap plastic Chinese-made "holiday decorations," chackas, and knick knacks...???

Folks... (*SIGH*)... if you really feel the need to buy "stuff" as gifts, consider higher end quality "Made in America" merchandise. It doesn't matter if your budget is $10 or $100; there's "American Made" goods to fit every budget - you've just got to do your homework!

(*SIGH*)... I hope to hell that I'm not the only one you're getting this "lecture" from. I'd sure as heck like to think that all the newly elected Tea Partiers will use their newly acquired public megaphones to make the same plea to their fellow Americans that I'm making to you all here.

I remember last year - when John Hicks and I were still doing our radio show on WTBQ-AM radio up here in Orange County, NY - devoting quite a bit of time to this very topic. Last year John was in perfect agreement with me. This year John ran Nan Hayworth's successful campaign for Congress. I'm hoping that this year John remembers last year... I'm hoping that John reads this post... I'm hoping Nan reads this post...

Anyway, folks... an early "Merry Christmas" shout out to you!

(And yeah... a happy and healthy Hanukkah to all my Jewish friends...!!!)




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hear! hear! Do you know what a T-shirt in Key West costs????