Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Advice to Nan Hayworth: Just Say No...!!!


I know you're being flooded with emails and texts.


I'm posting this "Open Letter" in order to highlight the three word mantra that you must mainly live by as an elected representative:




Nan. If you're going to stay true to your ideals then 90% of your job is going to be saying no and voting no.

And bear with me here... I'm not simply talking saying no to President Obama.

No, Nan... I'm talking saying no to each and every single Republican elected official in the district who will now be looking to you as their pipeline for bringing federal largess into the district.

Oh, Nan... I hope you know what you're in for! The county executives within the district... the sheriffs... the legislators... the town and village politicians... the special interests... they'll all be at your door with their hands out.

Nan... you've gotta say no. (At least in the vast majority of cases...)

It's not a question of all or even the majority of requests being "unworthy." No. Most requests will sound laudable in the abstract. No, Nan... the reason you've gotta stick to your guns and "just say no" is because present spending is unsupportable... additional added spending must be looked upon by you as unthinkable!

Nan. We've got to pull the nation back from the brink and this means saying no and voting no!

Besides resisting pro-spending/pro-debt pressure from "your" elected officials and your own constituents you're going to have to stand up to your new colleagues in the House... obviously the RINOs... but at times fellow self-described conservatives who for whatever reason buckle to pro-spending/pro-debt pressure and who attempt to get you to sign on to actions you know in your heart are wrong.

As to Speaker (to be) Boehner... (*SMILE*)... as Ronald Reagan so simply yet eloquently cautioned... "Trust but verify!"

As days...

(Heck - even hours!)

...weeks, months, and years go by no doubt I'll be offering lots (and lots... and lots... and lots...) of unsolicited advice to you, but for now... there's no greater advice I can give but to steel yourself to being booed as well as cheered - even by your supposed allies - as you fight for what's right by doing what has to be done... namely... to reiterate...

Far more often than not - if you're representing our common ideals - you'll just say no... JUST VOTE NO.

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