Friday, July 29, 2011

Just a quick question...

One soundbite that I keep on hearing about the supposed "need" to raise the Federal Debt Limit is that the new borrowing isn't needed to pay for "new" spending, but rather, it's needed to pay for money Congress has already spent.


Folks... think about that for a moment.

If the money wasn't there... and present law says it can't be borrowed...

(Because there's a legal debt limit!)

...then how could Congress "spend" this non-existent money...???

Folks... follow me here... wouldn't doing so equate to you or I writing a bad check - deliberately?

Don't people go to jail for writing bad checks?

I'm just saying, folks...


The politicians and their media enablers throw out so many lies that even I can't keep them straight.

I'm just posting this as a caution never to take anything you hear, see, or read via media at face value.

Each time you hear a politician (or pundit) open his or her mouth... ask yourself... "did what I just hear make any sense at all...?"

That's it. My two-cents worth.

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