Friday, August 2, 2013

Unemployment Is Indeed Down... Down to 14%... Three-Tenths of a Point Down From June's 14.3%...

...which was actually WAY up from May's 13.8%!

Yep... I'm referring to U6 unemployment... the REAL unemployment number.

Hey... folks... I'm ALWAYS gonna be honest with you! 

Today you're reading/hearing that unemployment is down to 7.4%.

That's the U3 stat.

If today's U6 stat had stayed the same or gone up I'd have let you know, therefore, I'm gonna also let you know when U6 goes down in tandem with U3. It's only fair... it's only right.

Folks... U6 is the figure you wanna watch. Period. 

The other thing you wanna watch is "Workforce Participation."

Interestingly enough... workforce participation is down... down a mere one-tenth of one percent... down from 63.5% to 63.4%... but down nevertheless.

Folks... here's my point: While most of you don't "need" Usually Right... don't "need" my newsbites... you need to realize that the average American doesn't know what you know - and certainly doesn't know what I know!

Just stick to the info in this particular post! Sure... the U6 stat isn't unknown... but it's certainly inside baseball! Same with workforce participation! What do most Americans know... they "know" that when they read a newspaper headline or hear a network TV or radio news anchor reporting that "unemployment is down to 7.4%" that... well... the economy "must" be improving.

 Alas... if only it were that simply... if only the average American were to dig a big deeper.

Every American high school graduate should be familiar with a great deal of the background material I use to analyze the news. The sad fact is, however, that it's the rare college graduate who is truly familiar with the underlying information I possess which allows me to separate the wheat from the chaff, read between the lines, connect the dots, and thus come to the (usually right) conclusions I do.


Again... Carl... my Goddaughter should be reading Usually Right.

You... Whose Name Dare Not Be Mentioned... my "nephews" are mature enough... and indeed, between your "reaction" to what I post and your lovely bride's... well... the boys will leapfrog their peers while developing a Socratic mindset.


Phil... reading my blog regularly could only further enlighten you... (and me when you reply!)


...and enlighten Sam as well!


Anyway... 2,209 page-views last month... 140 yesterday... 80 so far today...


Only 313,000,000 Americans to go...!


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