Monday, December 10, 2012


Two of my best friends read this blog.

(Actually it's more than two... but for purposes of this posting I'm only concerned with these two!)

My one friend, "He Whose Name Dare Not Be Mentioned," often disputes my views and analysis. That said... again... for purposes of this posting, what matters is that he reads the blog!

HWNDNBM is a modern man who relies upon technology for keeping up with the news. Each time I add a post to Usually Right an "alert" goes to his smartphone and in most cases, time permitting, sooner or later he'll get around to reading what I've written.

(The newsbites...??? That I'm not sure about. He knows that my newsbites - where most "news" is posted - are the heart of the blog in terms of my day in, day out "educational outreach" efforts. But he's a busy guy... assuming 6-12 stand along posts a week and anywhere from 5-20 individual newsbites within the comments sections of each week's newsbites posts... frankly I have no idea what percentage of my individual newsbites he reads.)

Which brings me to my other friend...

CDV is a rock-ribbed Republican conservative - emphasis on "Republican." 

He's not a RINO, but he tolerates and gets along with RINOs far better than I do.

(Fair, CDV...???)

Here's what drives me nuts (well... one of the things...) about my buddy CDV: He doesn't want his daughter... my goddaughter... to be well-educated and knowledgable.

Nope... he wants his daughter... my goddaughter... to be "just like everyone else." (Just like any child of the affluent professional class raised in a Blue State.)

I assume CDV believes that for his child "ignorance is bliss." 

I assume CDV fears that as with Eve and the Apple, a bite of knowledge apart from the accepted reality of her environment will hurt my goddaughter by removing her from the Garden of Eden of being "just like everyone else."

My goddaughter is a high school senior. Next year she'll be going off to college... a good college... a liberal bastion.

God only knows how badly she's already been miseducated so far throughout high school when it comes to history, politics, economics... and it'll only get worse when she goes off to college... but apparently that's fine with my friend CDV.

(Folks... a side note: Right now my friend HWNDNBM may well be horrified that I'm posting this. If so, he's free to share his thoughts with me privately or publicly.  But to him I say... "Don't worry... CDV won't be pissed... I can guarantee you that! Indeed, I'm guessing that you and he would have a very interesting discussion - between the two of you - based upon what I'm writing and what each of you believe with regard to fatherhood and the duties of parenthood!")

Anyway... where was I...? Oh, yeah... my friend CDV and my goddaughter...

CDV doesn't want his daughter to buy into Leftist/Progressive thought. He certainly doesn't actively want his daughter to be propagandized and manipulated. And yet... he'll do little to prevent it. Indeed... he'll gladly finance it!

I've been ranting at CDV for years now... throughout my goddaughter's high school years... that she should be reading my blog... that they - as father and daughter - should be discussing these issues Usually Right focuses upon. (In addition to the educational benefits to my goddaughter, it would be a great way for father and daughter to bond!)

Entering college next year... she needs to be inoculated... educated... prepared via absorption of factual knowledge to recognize bullshit when she runs into it as a college student... and beyond.

CDV reads my blog! He gains knowledge by reading it! Shouldn't he want his daughter to know what he knows... what I know... what regular readers of Usually Right know?

Anyway... perhaps I'm simply wasting my... er... "cyberbreath."

Anyway... it's never too late, CDV! You can wise up!

I hope you do...

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