Friday, June 15, 2012

Mark Krikorian of NRO on Romney the (FILL IN THE BLANK)

[Mitt Romney] fumbled an important opportunity.

Fumbled...??? Fumbled...?!?!

The problem with the president’s amnesty decree is not that it “makes it more difficult to reach that long-term solution because an executive order is, of course, just a short-term matter — it can be reversed by subsequent presidents.”

The problem is that it’s u-n-c-o-n-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-o-n-a-l.

Apparently Mitt Romney disagrees! Either that or - the more likely scenario - it just doesn't occur to him that as a man seeking the Presidency of the United States he should care about "details" such as what are legitimate Presidential Powers and what aren't!

You would expect Allen West and Steve King to be forceful in denouncing this usurpation, but even Amnesty John McCain and Rick “you don’t have a heart” Perry were strong.

Heck, Lindsey Graham — Lindsey Graham — denounced the move as “possibly illegal.”

Leave it to "Lindsey" to throw in the qualifier "possibly."


And the fact that Romney didn’t answer when asked if he’d reverse the order is an especially bad sign.

Ya think...?!?!

I know all those who’ve been accusing me of being in the tank for Romney will say “I told you so”...


...but my distress isn’t really about his views on the policy issue at hand — he seemed to endorse Rubio’s as-yet-not-introduced revision of the DREAM Act, which I’m pretty sure I won’t like. I’m appalled because this is a fundamental matter of our political order.

Now you care about the Constitution? Where were you when "ol' Mitt" was promising to repeal ObamaCare - all by himself - during numerous debates and campaign rallies...???

Folks... earth to half-wit Republicans... Romney doesn't care about the Constitution any more than Barack Hussein Obama does!

The precedent that would be set if the president gets away with this can — and will — be applied to other areas of law, upsetting the checks and balances that are essential to our republic.

Uh... YEAH!

In effect, President Obama and his cheering squad are saying that representative democracy no longer works and that we need to preserve its forms but replace it with a system in which the august first citizen of the republic makes the laws.

Now you're catching on. Only what the author is missing is that this applies to most Republican politicians as well as most Democrats! Look at Bush's record when it came to stripping U.S. citizens of their Constitutional Civil Rights? Jeezus friggin' Christ... read my damn newsbites every day and you'll KNOW this stuff!

We could call it, I dunno, a principate, maybe.

And this idiot gets paid to write for NRO...

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