Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"The Good Guys" - Or At Least Those Republicans Who Voted Against Boehner

Yep... while Republicans voted 151-85 against the Boehner-McConnell-Obama-Reid-Pelosi bill last night, it wasn't enough.

Ya see, folks, those 85 "Boehnerites" aligned with 172 Democrats were more than enough to pass HR-8, otherwise known as (sickeningly enough) "The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012."

Note, folks, I've given you not just one, but two tally links so that if you're of a mind to you may see how your own House representative voted.

Paul Ryan... he stuck with Boehner.

(Again, folks... how many times do I have to tell you... don't trust the MSM designation of "conservative.")

Boehner's deputy - Eric Cantor - voted against Boehner... but who knows whether that was the opening shot in a battle for personal power between Boehner and Cantor or whether Boehner had instructed Cantor to vote "nay" so as to polish his heavily tarnished "conservative" bona fides for public consumption.

(Bottom line... doesn't matter; Cantor is a piece of shit. Either he's a self-serving piece of shit first and formost or a Boehner loyalist piece of shit first and foremost. In the end... does it really matter?)

Ending her own misbegotten and thankfully abbreviated congressional career, my RINO Congresswoman, Nan Hayworth (RINO-NY) stuck with Boehner and betrayed "We the People" yet again.

The sickest thing of all, folks... these scum... these 85 RINOs who voted with Boehner... all they've done is tee up the ball for further chaos several months down the road! This latest "deal" isn't the end of it, folks. Oh, no! Remember the "sequester," folks? It's still (supposedly) coming! Last night's latest round of Congressional and Executive malpractice simply pushed the sequester deadline two months down the road... to March... 

(March Madness indeed!)

Here's the bottom line as far as this post's title is concerned: The Boehner Republicans all suck; and of the 151 Republican members of the House who voted "nay"... I'd estimate that only perhaps a third of them are "the real deal," are true "Tea Party" Republicans who can be trusted to vote the right way when there's political risk in voting the right way.

Sad... but true. Pathetic...? Welcome to America 2013... the ongoing Age of Obama.

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