Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Hate Mitt Romney

OK, folks, bear with me... I recorded last night's GOP debate among the presidential candidates and while I'm barely 15 minutes into it, already my blood pressure must be something like 199/150.

First... Jim Cramer...??? Are these people frigg'n kidding me...?!?!

Next... that scumbag Romney...

Right out the box he had me cheering him as he insisted that he was totally against any U.S. taxpayer bailout of Italy... against any U.S. taxpayer bailout of Europe...



...unless it was through the IMF - the same IMF which is largely funded by the American People's tax dollars - in which case, Romney declared, he'd be "happy to do it."

Folks... for fear of having this blog shut down I'm heroically restraining myself from writing what I'd like to about Mitt "Two-faced Scumbag" Romney.

To be continued...

OK... I'm back!

God bless Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Rick Perry!

Why? Because when the question of the whether the Republican candidates supported Barak Obama's irresponsible plan to further capsize Social Security's financing by extending the ill-conceived and already-damaging payroll tax "holiday" gimmick both Dempublicans and Republicrats are guilty of having "provided" the American People, these three were the only real conservatives who raised their hands to oppose a policy which robs Peter to pay Paul.

Damn Gingrich to hell for standing pat and refusing to call a spade a spade...

And damn Romney to hell for backing Obama enthusiastically on this... transparently pandering as only Romney can.

To be continued...

OK... ok... Gingrich just redeemed himself on the question of what needs to be done to resanify (I just made that word up... it means "to make sane again") our nation's higher education structure.

By the way, folks... just as a side comment... Ron Paul really shone in last night's debate.

Another aside... Rick Santorum came off well too! (He's learned not to be overly aggressive!)

Bachmann...? She too had a good night. She came across as serious, knowledgeable, and best of all... non-pandering.

Huntsman? Jeezus... he totally blew it when it came to the questions regarding China and trade policy! Apparently Huntsman's position is that whatever China does - however they cheat, manipulate, lie, steal - we shouldn't retaliate. Huntsman actually came out and said we need to keep on following the same "methods" of dealing with China (and indeed world trade overall!) as we've followed for the past 40 years!

(Now, folks... if Huntsman wants U.S. trade policy to remain the trade policy which has led to the deindustrialization of America and the loss of millions and millions of meaningful, well-paying, American security providing jobs over the last 40 years... well... that pretty much tells you all you need to know about his... er... "expertise.")

Giving credit where credit is due, trade policy and China policy specifically is one area where Romney shined last night. That said...

Folks... if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee I'll vote for him. I feel there's no choice. Another four years of an Obama dict... er... presidency and this nation is done! But here's the thing, folks... Romney is a total phony. He's a self-serving phony without convictions... at least as far as I can tell. He'll say anything and he'll support or oppose anything solely for purposes of political advancement.

But, folks... Obama is worse.

Gingrich is the man.

Is he the perfect man? No. Is he the perfect candidate? No. But compared to the likes of Mitt Romney...?

Do I like Herman Cain? Yep. I sure do! He's a breath of fresh air! He's done American a huge favor by forcing the other candidates - and indeed the American People - to think about tax policy and to consider how we can fix our broken federal tax code.

But is Herman Cain gonna be our next president? I can't see it. Also, I can't see him resoundingly defeating Obama in one-on-one debates; indeed, I can imagine Obama "trapping" Cain into making a fool of himself on the national stage with not millions of people watching live, but tens of millions watching live.

Rick Perry? Same deal!

But, Newt...? Newt would wipe the floor with Obama! Newt would destroy the man!

I mean, folks... Obama couldn't take on Paul Ryan and win - and that was in the White House itself with Obama holding all the cards! Remember...?!?! Remember Obama getting so frustrated... so mad... that he actually lost his cool and started snapping at Ryan, using rudeness and bullying rather than civil intellectual debate to counter Ryan's fact-buttressed arguments? Just imagine Obama trying to best Newt Gingrich in one-on-one debates in front of television, radio, and online audiences of tens of millions of Americans... likely hundreds of millions of human beings when you add in all the foreign citizens who will tune in to such debates!

Anyway... that's my take.

1 comment:

William R. Barker said...


I hate that (fill in the blank) Mitt Romney too! Let me say that when he was the Massachusetts Govenor he freaken lied right through his freaken teeth to me when I lost medical benefits because I was on Social Security Disability! HE said to me on my phone..”"Well if I can't get you your benefits back then no one can, Ill help you buddy.” Next thing I knew they were gone! Furthermore that HORSES ASS ruined MASSACHUSETTS; ever since he left Mass its gotten ten times worse. MY opinion of him is he screws stuff up in one state then runs off to another one and points the finger at others like the President or hides behind the "well thats how business works" routine he gives to us the general public as if we dont know what the hell is going on! I hate that STUPID ASS PIECE OF GARBAGE!