Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Let Me Make This Perfectly Clear...

George W. Bush is the Manchurian President.

US President George W. Bush said in an interview Tuesday he was forced to sacrifice free market principles to save the economy from collapse.

"I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system," Bush told CNN television, saying he had made the decision "to make sure the economy doesn't collapse."

So let me get this straight. According to our supposedly conservative Republican President, free-market principles - i.e. CAPITALISM - push economies towards collapse, whereas socialistic policies - i.e. ABANDONING FREE-MARKET PRINCIPLES - don't...???

(Is it me...?!?! Seriously... someone... anyone... is there any other reasonable inference to take away from Dubya's latest pronouncement from on high...???)

Not one to quit while he's behind, our Manchurian President sought to clarify his... err... thinking... via the following statement:

"I'm sorry to do it [but] I feel a sense of obligation to my successor to make sure that there is not a, you know, a huge economic crisis. Look, we're in a crisis now. I mean, this is - we're in a huge recession, but I don't want to make it even worse."




I don't even know where to start.

First: Don't be "sorry." Be smart. Be effective. For God's sake, stop making things worse...!!!

Second: Worry about ME!!! Worry about the nation, the American People! Let Obama worry about Obama. The way this works, Mr. Bush, is that YOU SIR are still "Mr. President" and Mr. Obama... err... isn't. What you do is what YOU do. Period. For good or ill, YOU SIR are the President. If President-ELECT Obama wants to criticize your actions that's his prerogative. In the meantime, though... till HE is sworn in and HE becomes "Mr. President"... he's just 1 of 100 United States Senators. Man up, George. Stop trying to hide behind Senator Obama's coattails.

Third: Yes. We're in a recession. You've presided over it - you and the RINO Congress from 2001 thru 2006; you and the Democratic Congress since 2007. In fact, since the Democrats took over the House and Senate in 2007 things have only gotten worse - much worse.

(Sadly, indeed tragically, the phrases "The Blind Leading the Blind" and "Dumb and Dumber" pop into my head as I reflect upon 21st century American political reality.)


WE CAN'T SPEND OUR WAY OUT OF THIS MESS!!! Spending - over-spending... over-leveraging... ignoring basic economic reality - is what got us into this mess in the first place.

Stimulus packages and bailouts won't "save" the economy - irrational and counterproductive economic malpractice along these lines will only lead to further disasters. Don't believe me...??? How'd LBJ's "guns AND butter" policy work out? Nixon's "wage and price freeze?" Carter's "malaise" anyone - perhaps with a "side order" of stagflation...???

Folks... did last year's joint Republicrat/Dempublican "stimulus" package bring back the economic glory days of Kennedy or Reagan (take your pick)? How'bout this year's "bailouts" so far - a resounding success to anyone's way of thinking...???

Socialism and fiscal recklessness are not the solution to our nation's economic problems - they're the causes! Bush's low/loose dollar polices were what got us into this mess - with the Democrats main critique being that Bush's policies weren't pushing the dollar low enough fast enough and their main caveat regarding borrowing, spending, and lending being the government needed to do more, not less, of all three.

God help us. The good news... George W. Bush will soon be an American Ex-President. The bad news... come January 20, 2009 American gets what we voted for - a liberal Democratic President, a liberal Democratic House, and a liberal Democratic Senate whose initial policy actions are sure to make Bush's administration and the RINO Congress' of 2001 thru 2006 seem fiscal disciplinarians and prudent managers in comparison.


Rodak said...

Not to worry. Nancy P. promises to keep Obama in line.

Anthony said...

There is a sale on canned food over at Shop Rite.

William R. Barker said...

Good to know, Anthony! (*GRIN*)

The not so amusing thing about your attitude is that it was the common one back in 2003/2004 when the average dope was raving about how great the economy was doing and expecting nothing but "up, up, up" re the housing market, stock market, etc.


As I've noted time and again, I'm happy for you that your life is going so well and I expect it always will.

Also... again, as I've noted before... I'm not worried about myself or my family either. Truth be told, worse case scenario, I can sit here blogging in my skivvies and my wife's (absolutely secure) income is sufficient to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back... with the occasional trip to Key West or perhaps a villa rental in Tuscany next summer.



I don't know what your "real world" is like. I'm guessing it's a bit like mine. Reading between the lines I'm certain I'm not at your level of social-economic standing, but I'm guessing my world is far more removed from Rob's world (the "world" of Ohio that surrounds Rob) than yours is from mine. (*SHRUG*)

I suppose... (*PONDERING*)... I was a compassionate conservative in outlook long before Bush distorted the term. (*SHRUG*) Yes, I demand high standards of others as well as myself, but I also have empathy for those less fortunate - or less bright. (*SHRUG*)

Bush, the Republicans, Obama, the Democrats... these morons and their policies have already led to a great deal of pain and economic dislocation and it's only going to get worse.

For me... (*SHRUG*)... the 75% decline in my business I've seen over the last few years, greatly accelerated over the past few months, means far less eating out, far less drinking out, "lifestyle" cutbacks mainly in the entertainment sphere of my existence. Not everyone is so lucky.

You do realize, Anthony, that there ARE people - white people like you and me, folks who know how to tie more than one tie knot and who own wingtips - who are presently in economic crisis, who can't keep up with their BASIC LIVING EXPENSES such as mortgages.

(BTW - I threw in race deliberately. Just as Obama's election especially resonates with black folks, white folks in fiscal distress particularly resonates with other white folks.)

For such a smart, successful guy, you seem to have a huge blind spot when it comes to cause and effect and future social/economic/demographic predictions. Like Moose over at RT your seeming optimism just doesn't seem based upon anything other than hope and attitude and a general "we've seen this before" attitude.

NO, ANTHONY... WE HAVEN'T SEEN "THIS" BEFORE!!! That's what I'm trying to tell you!!!

We haven't seen America deindustrializing. Not to this extent. Not past the tipping scale.

We haven't seen broad refusal of tens of millions of immigrants to properly assimilate buttressed by political/media/academic elites.

We've never seen such a massive generational decline in educational standards/outcomes which reaches across social lines.

Jeezus, Anthony... not that you actually NEED to get a clue (you'll survive quite nicely without one), but as a father you'd better reconsider your sanguine expectations.


P.S. - And for what it's worth... I truly DO hope that I'm wrong. (*SHRUG*)