Monday, December 8, 2008

December 2008 Reading List

Saturday was a good day! A bit of shopping, some socializing, and a stop at the library. Hit gold!

Picked up the following...

1) Just How Stupid Are We? Facing The Truth About The American Voter, by Rick Shenkman.

2) Getting Russia Right, by Dmitri V. Trenin.

3) Real Education: Four Simple Truths For Bringing America's Schools Back To Reality, by Charles Murray.

4) The Coming China Wars (Revised and Extended Edition), by Peter Navarro.

5) The Dumbest Generation: How The Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans And Jeopardizes Our Future, by Mark Bauerlein.

Anyway... I'll post my thoughts and reactions to this self-assigned reading list as the month goes on.


Feel free, folks, to use the comment box attached to this thread to share what you're reading this month!


Anonymous said...

Bill, I can tell from just the titles that none of those books probably contain really useful information. Whether left or right, it seems like more Think Tank Mental Masturbation; the kind of stuff that people who spend their lives reading and posing for television cameras, instead of actually critically thinking for themselves, would read.

To wit, our idiot president and our even more idiot president-elect.

I would instead suggest reading anything by Jim Rogers, Peter Schiff, or Austrian economics.

Anonymous said...

On a funny note, since RAG kicked you off his blog, perhaps he's reading "Paradise Lost."

Which brings us to your new blog, "Paradise Regained" (LOL)

William R. Barker said...


I'll keep your advice in mind, Mad.


In the meantime... (*GRIN*)... glad to see you keep tuning in. I'll try and post some initial reactions to what I've been reading later today.

I'm actually in full "study" mode. I'm highlighting (well, actually lightly underlining in easily erasable pencil) as I read, so it's rather slow going.

One thing I can tell you, these books are anything but mental masturbation.

While "The Coming China Wars" is more a layman's read than "Getting Russia Right," which is no doubt being used widely as a college text, Murray's latest book - "Real Education" - provides the perfect balance of well written prose and thought provoking factual knowledge.

As for "The Dumbest Generation," one chapter in and those Barker (*FROWNS*) numbered in the dozens.

Still haven't picked up "Just How Stupid Are We" yet today - it's on deck. (*WINK*)


William R. Barker said...

Well... read the first couple chapters of "Just How Stupid Are We?"


This is the one I wouldn't (at least so far) recommend. The irony is, this is the book from my list that would probably most appeal to the average English Major.


This Shenkman guy is a journalist and it shows. (*SMIRK*) Lots of surface "oohs" and ahhs" but a knowledgeable reader can't hope but notice that as Shenkman is aiming his fire at those below him on the well-informed scale, ol' Rick seems to be a bit shallow himself when it comes to understanding the more complex issues he brings up, such as the Social Security system and how it functions (or rather, doesn't - at least not in terms of long term viability).

Oh, well... I'll give him a few more chapters to change my mind and make a fan out of me.


William R. Barker said...


As expected, "Real Education: Four Simple Truths For Bringing America's Schools Back To Reality" is one hell of a read.

Charles Murray is a genius - a brave and honorable man who follows where the facts lead and via his research and writings offers others the chance to follow and make a difference.

I HIGHLY recommend this book as a Christmas or Chanukah gift - either to yourself or a loved one.


William R. Barker said...

Well... my first impression was correct - "Just How Stupid Are We?" written by journalist Rick Shenkman just isn't up to snuff.

Too simplistic.

"The Dumbest Generation," by contrast, is holding my interest.

True, Bauerlein is no Murray, but his book is a serious one with intellectual heft. Clearly, more than a casual amount of research and fact-checking went into the writing of this book.

My only "complaint" - such as it is - is that "The Dumbest Generation" truly is a depressing read. Our kids and young adults are indeed comparative twits - and proud of it - as contrasted to earlier generations of Americans.

Don't believe me...??? READ THE BOOK!!!