Thursday, January 30, 2014

Barker's Newsbites: Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm so depressed...


No. Not for myself. All's well here except for a sore neck (which I believe is sleeping position related).

My buddy Todd has a son who has kidney disease. We're talking "need a transplant" kidney disease. I just found out that the kid's expected donor (his half brother) has failed one of the final per-operative tests. No details... all I know is that now the kid's mom is being tested (re-tested?) and that sooner rather than later my friend's son is gonna need someone's kidney.

Politics? Pretty much always depressing...

What will the history books say about the decline and fall of America?

What will our national tombstone read? 

Perhaps... America: 1788-1969 RIP

Why not put the high-water mark at the first moon landing? Where else would you put it? The Reagan years were but the last gasp of traditional American ideals.

We "won" the Cold War. Good for us. Then we squandered our "victory." (Well... Bush and then Clinton squandered Reagan's victory.)

Bush. I hate the name! Two men named Bush share almost as much blame for the fall of America... our transformation into Amerika... as do a man named Clinton and a man named Obama.

The masks are off, now, folks... and few seem to care! 

Obama welds the power of a King. Boehner and McConnell... courtiers of "the loyal opposition" who even when they profess to actually oppose don't in actuality effectively oppose. The media... partisan players in "the game." Business leaders... mainly crony capitalists - and that's at best!

"We the People...?!?!" Have you spoken to the average American lately? "We" are a Sheeple... not a People.

Our children...??? We're... so... screwed...

Ahh... screw it. I may not bother with newsbites today. I'm gonna watch some TV and at 6:15 p.m. it's off to the gym.

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