Well, folks... Romney pulled it out in Michigan.
Too bad.
But before anyone loses hope... (*CHUCKLE*)... note that the combined anti-Romney vote was 553,173 to Romney's 410,517 - and that was with Gingrich having effectively pulled out of the race in a tactical move and with Paul too having "personally left the field."
Folks... I'm not trying to spin this; I simply note that if Romney can barely beat Rick Santorum in Michigan - Romney's home state... the state his father was a popular governor of - this does not bode well for his chances of beating Barack Hussein Obama should he be this November's GOP standard-bearer.
Please, folks... forget Santorum!
Please, folks... forget Paul!
Neither man is gonna get the GOP nomination, but if by some miracle either did... (*PURSED LIPS*)... neither could win against Obama. The mainstream media would destroy Santorum and the "conservative" media and major Republican "establishment" figures would no doubt literally "defect" to Obama.
(Folks... it's a question of math!)
Speaking of "the math," I wonder how many of you are aware that it's Gingrich - not Santorum - who ranks number two to Romney when it comes to cumulative popular votes in the ten contests which have been held.
Yep... Gingrich has 978,042 votes to his tally... and as you know, a fair number of these votes came via contests where for strategic reasons Gingrich chose not to proactively compete!
(Again, folks... not to beat a dead horse... but if you were under the impression that it was Santorum, not Gingrich, who was number two to Romney in popular support... that buttresses my oft-stated contention that the media is doing all in its power to manipulate the American People by presenting a false premise.)
Folks... there are 40 more states to go!
Keep on tuning in to Usually Right.
The Truth Shall Set Ye Free!