Friday, April 15, 2011

Does Anyone Still Watch C.S.I. - The Original... Las Vegas?

As I often note, our Constitutional Rights are under constant assault.

I'm not talking just legal... I'm talking societal challenges our our Constitutional Values.

It's not just the "news" that skews Left in terms of Mainstream Media, it's entertainment media as well.

This morning I watched an episode of C.S.I. which I had DVR'd last Thursday.

(Season 11, Episode 19 to be precise.)

Part of the episode dealt with the "case" of a young, pregnant teenaged girl who had been "cyber-bullied" to the breaking point.

The "message" of the episode? Cyber-bullying must not be "tolerated." Freedom of Speech is "one thing," but when the exercise of that CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED Freedom of Speech "leads to" a young woman taking her own life... well... screw the Constitution.

At least... (*SIGH*)... that's what "the good guys" on C.S.I. had the audience take away from episode 19... season 11.

Of course there were no mentions of civil remedies. The producers went right to criminal liability; as the episode ended, the bullies were being taken away in handcuffs to face charges... possibly murder charges, perhaps "only" manslaughter, but at the very least, depraved indifference. (In other words... jail time.)

The idea that liable... slander... a civil suit... any of these might be the only proper and Constitutionally permissible response to "cyber-bullying" which doesn't directly harm a person in a financial - let alone physical - sense doesn't even come up in discussion during the episode.

To me... this is scary stuff, people.

No. An episode of C.S.I. isn't exactly the equivalent of Adams' Alien and Sedition Acts - or Wilson's Sedition Act of 1918 - but I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that more Americans are familiar with Season 11, Episode 11 of the CBS Crime Drama "C.S.I." then are familiar with either of the aforementioned historical aberrations concerning basic Constitutional Liberties.

Think about it, folks... think how often you hear a politician, a celebrity, or even a "regular" fellow citizen throw out a sentiment that is antithetical to the Values our Constitutional embodies?

Folks... (*SIGH*)... America is in trouble.

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