Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's The Spending, Stupid...!

An op-ed in this weekend's WSJ lays out the case for violent revolut... er... for a peaceful realignment of the political balance of power via the democratic process next November:

When it comes to spending, the Democrats who run Washington can't decide on their message. On the one hand, as President Obama said this week, they claim we have to "spend our way out of this recession." On the other, they keep telling us the deficit is too large and isn't "sustainable." In this tug of political spin, watch what they spend, not what they say.

And recall, folks... the Democrats won control of not just the House, not just the Senate, but BOTH Houses of Congress back in November 2006.

Today is December 13, 2009.

It's now been more than three years since the day the American People kicked out the RINOs
and put in their place to run our national agenda the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Charlie Rangel, John Murtha...

(God help this once great nation; I can't bear to continue listing the rogue's gallery.)

Continuing to excerpt:

And that means watching this weekend's expected Senate vote on a 1,088-page $445 billion "omnibus" package of spending bills to fund the government for fiscal 2010. The House passed a similar elephant earlier this week, allowing federal agency budgets to increase spending by some $48 billion, or about 12% from 2009. That increase—when inflation is negligible—is in addition to the $311 billion in stimulus already authorized or out the door for these programs. Adding this new stash means that federal agencies will have received a nearly 70% increase in the last two years.

Folks...??? You're reading this, right...??? The WSJ isn't making this up; this is America's fiscal reality in the Age of Obama. This is what you get with a Democratic House, Democratic Senate, and a Democrat in the Oval Office.

Returning to the op-ed...

Oh, and that's not all. The President and Congress also want to spend as much as $200 billion more from the Troubled Asset Relief Program on still another stimulus, though this time we are supposed to call it a "jobs" program, because stimulus now has a dirty political name.


After the spending bill, Congress will then turn to passing a $1.8 trillion increase in the national debt ceiling...

In other words, folks, imagine your spouse or your kid is egregiously abusing the credit card you gave them - the one with your name on the account; you're legally responsible for all the spending taking place, you and you alone are legally responsible for the debt and the interest - and instead of taking the credit card away or at least decreasing the credit limit in response to the irresponsible spending you call your credit card company and tell them to INCREASE the spending limit.

Sound nuts...? Crazy? Something you'd never do...

Folks. Congress is taking it upon itself to increase the "national credit limit" in order to further increase spending and debt whether you like it or not.

Oh... and by the way...

Not that the press corps cares anymore, but the omnibus also continues the earmark explosion that Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed to end when she was trying to oust Republicans in 2006. The Heritage Foundation counts 5,224 earmarks, bringing the total for the year to about 10,000, or about 23 for every Congressional district. There is money for bike paths, skate board parks, museums, water-taxis to resort towns...



Folks. Washington is the enemy. Under Bush and the RINOs Congress was screwing us. Under Obama and the Democrats things have gotten worse - much worse.

Just to buttress the point...

$8,677,214,255,313.07 -- This was the national debt on January 3, 2007 - the day before Democrats officially took over control of both Houses of Congress.

And today...

$12,115,000,000,000.00 -- And rising...

Folks... math ain't partisan. It just... is.


Rodak said...

I can't bear to continue listing the rouge's gallery

"Rouge" eh? While you might have Pelosi tagged there, the other two pols most famous for their wearing of the rouge are Sarah Palin and Rudi Giuliani--Republicans, each.

William R. Barker said...


Yep - ya got me, Rob!

Rogue - not "rouge."


My bad!


William R. Barker said...


One more time...

Oops! (Not "oop")

What can I say, pal... there's a reason I call the site "usually" right instead of "always" right."



Rodak said...

The English major in me just can't let it pass without comment.