Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hmm... I've Never Been A Bloghost

So far, so good! The initial "Intro" thread post, titled "Thank You Robert A. George," garnered three replies - one from the Great Man Himself, one from my RT buddy Rob, and one from my RT buddy Ed McGonigal, who is himself a bloghost over at

I suppose my next move should be to notify friends, family, and acquaintances with whom I often chat with about politics, economics, and frankly, just about every topic under the sun, that I have my own blog.

With this in mind, and having decided to take "baby steps" with regard to this blog hosting business, I'm going to invite you folks to consider this thread to be an Open Thread for general commentary, thoughts, and questions (if any) and topic submissions.

Tomorrow I'll hit the ground running with a few additional threads. Note, though, just in terms of general Usually Right format, my goal is not simply to pontificate. I want my submissions and those of others who blog here to inform, educate, and spur debate. With this in mind, while obviously since this is my blog I'll be posting threads, I'm anticipating that the vast majority of my commentary to be found on within the comment areas of the various threads.


Anonymous said...

Well, now I know that you aren't one of RAG's pseudonyms, I'm speechless ...



William R. Barker said...

Thanks, Madscribe, I'll do my best to make this site worth the occasional visit.
