Sunday, February 11, 2018

How'bout This? F--K Korea!

I hate Korea.

Yeah. I'm talking SOUTH Korea.

Ungrateful bastards.

JAPAN is our ally. JAPAN is our friend. The Koreans... let 'em kill each other.

NORTH Korea is a threat to US. I don't really care about their threat to SOUTH Korea. That's South Korea's problem. I just care about US... and our true friends and allies - including Japan.

I say end this sham "alliance" with South Korea and tell China that the two Koreas are now THEIR problem. (Hey... they're Russia's problem too; see... A MAP!)

Of course that also makes them JAPAN'S problem... but... ya know what... I can live with that.

Here's MY goal - and it's been the same goal for years and years: Disarm North Korea. Render North Korea harmless.


THAT'S my bottom line.

If the North Korean zombies can be turned back into people... all the better... but ultimately the humanitarian goal is secondary to the national security goal.

To recap: Let China topple the Kim regime and put a sane puppet regime in place. China can physically occupy the who damn country for all I care. NOT our problem! Let South Korea deal with "China's" North Korea. All I want to see is the threat of the Kim regime taken off the board.

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