Friday, March 6, 2009

Where's The Pride... Where's The Self Respect...?

The headline reads...

Record 31.8 Million On Food Stamps

God help this once great nation...

What the hell is wrong with people...?!?! How can we have reached a point in our history when more than 10% of our population is made up of parasites, of takers, of men and women who fail to take responsibility for the basics such as providing food for their children... food for themselves...???

Call me... er... old-fashioned... but shouldn't we view an inability (and obviously view an unwillingness) of a parent or parents to prioritize resources to FEED, shelter, and cloth their child (or children) as the very definition of an unfit parent...??? But, no... instead... we say, "Oh, don't worry about it... those who are already struggling to feed themselves and their families will feed you and yours too regardless of whether your "need" for "assistance" is real or illusionary."

(Hell... here in New York State they actually ADVERTISE, actually MARKET food stamps... in SPANISH as well as English!!!)

Hmm... let's see... let's excerpt from the above linked article:

The average food stamp benefit is $115 a month for individuals and $255 a month per household.

Great! Raise your hands, folks... who COULDN'T use an extra $255 a month of FREE money (only it's NOT free... WE'RE paying for it... hell, we're paying for it as well as the FINANCE charges on the borrowed money we're using to pay for it) in your pocket twelve times a year? (That's over three grand a year by the way...)

Jeezus... why aren't these people ashamed...??? I mean, Christ... I'd be ashamed to receive food stamps...

What ever happened to self-sufficiency, to self-reliance, to self-respect...???

Believe me, folks... I know these sentiments I'm so publicly expressing are politically incorrect, and yes, I'm aware that my words - once posted - will be there in cyberspace forevermore, waiting to be read by any and all who might one day sit in judgment over me - whether for a job application, an organizational membership... remaining on record should I ever run for public office again...


Frankly... I don't give a damn. I believe what I believe and to those who think I'm wrong... so be it; we're all entitled to our opinions. To any who believe I lack compassion....


You're wrong. I simply see self-respect and self-reliance as a great human "need" than welfare policies which ultimately weaken the human spirit. That's what I believe...

God help this once great nation...

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