Friday, March 20, 2009

What You Need To Understand...

Understand the following: Official U.S. economic policy is to increase the prices we pay for goods and services; i.e. our government's goal is to spur inflation. I could provide link upon link backing up my contention, but those of you who regularly check in on Usually Right know that I'm providing an accurate synopsis of Fed policy, and I'm confident that those who simply stumbled upon this post, this blog, are sophisticated enough to be just as aware of this disturbing fact as I am.

Readers... ask yourselves... is it in your interest to pay more for gas and oil, more for food, more for housing... more, more, more across the board? Folks... this is Barak Obama's policy! This is what Bernanke, Geithner advise and have been pushing for! Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid... they were on board when Bush was pushing inflationary policies and they're on board now when it's the Obama administration.

God help us. The Bush administration proactively worked to weaken the dollar in the mistaken belief that doing so would jumpstart American exports, help fuel domestic manufacturing. A "cheap dollar," low interest rates... that was the Bush economic plan. So... how'd that go...?!?! How'd ya like that plan, folks...?!?!

Folks... Obama isn't just following in Bush's footsteps - he's doubling down on every irrational, irresponsible, doomed to fail bet placed by Bush, Paulson, Bernanke, and Greenspan!!! We know where the Bush-Bernanke economic policies led... by the time Obama and Bernanke are done I fear we're going to look back fondly upon the Bush years.

Yesterday oil continued its upward climb, coming to rest at approximately $52/bbl. Folks... that's what happens when the dollar declines - oil prices go up. Gold's rising up again... commodities as a whole are edging upward... to those of you who own neither an oil field nor a gold mine... this ain't good news, kids.

Have you stopped by Drudge today...? I use Drudge as my homepage and it seems everytime I open my browser my heart sinks and my stomach lurches. Disaster after disaster and the worst part... the politicians, far from being the solution, far from being a source of "hope," let alone "change," are nine times out of ten ultimately responsible for causing the disasters which literally make me ill day after day, week after week, month after month.

Forgive me if this particular post has turned into a rant as opposed to calm, informative analysis, but the daily "drip, drip, drip" of bad news truly is getting to me. Our government is the enemy. That's the way it seems. Our elected leaders - at least the majority - seem determined to destroy Ronald Reagan's economy - even Bill Clinton's economy - and return us to the days of Carter, of stagflation, of the misery index.

And what makes me nauseous, causes me physical as well as psychological pain... it didn't have to be this way. Bush didn't have to emulate Johnson's failed guns and butter policies; Obama didn't need to emulate Bush's inability to rein in Lott and DeLay via his own failure to rein in Pelosi and Reid. Borrow... borrow... borrow... spend... spend... spend... it's not going to work - it's going to lead to disaster. It's already led to disaster. And things are going to get worse... much worse... much, much worse...


William R. Barker said...

As always... worth reading:


William R. Barker said...

Another "worth the read" essay:

What is usually missed about Harding, though, is how effective he was on the issue of the economy. When he assumed the presidency in March of 1921, he inherited a mess. Woodrow Wilson had expanded the role and size of government dramatically, incurred a $25 billion dollar debt, and cracked down on political opponents - even imprisoning some (socialist activist Eugene V. Debs, etc.).

In fact, the economic problems in the 1920-1921 depression were actually worse in many ways than the Great Depression a decade later. But that downturn didn’t last as long – thankfully. Warren Harding cut federal spending and lowered taxes. And in less than two years the number of unemployed in the country fell from 4.9 million to 2.8 million, en route to a rate of 1.8 per cent by 1926 under his successor, Mr. Coolidge.

Folks. It ain't rocket science. (Well... actually in a way it is - science that is. We KNOW what works and what DOESN'T work when it comes to government economic action. Obama is simply determined to keep on moving in the WRONG direction - at full speed ahead... right into an iceburg!)



EdMcGon said...

Bill, to paraphrase Clinton, I feel your nausea. ;)