Friday, June 26, 2009

Reality Bites

No... not the movie!

Actually, the title of this thread refers to my state of mind having just finished Patrick J. Buchanan's "Day of Reckoning: How Hubris, Ideology, and Greed Are Tearing America Apart."

I recommend the book, but please... make sure you have a bottle of scotch by your side as you read it; you'll need it!


Reading Buchanan's book, especially in the wake of having
just polished off "The Fall of Rome And The End Of Civilization," by Bryan Ward-Perkins M.A., D.Phil, is enough to point anyone to the nearest bottle.

What really set me off... Chapter 7 - "Colony of the World."

You can read the entire chapter (the entire book, actually, but start with Chapter 7) right now, for free. I urge you to do so.

Forty-one pages, folks... just start reading...

Let me know what you think. Hey, I can't "force" anyone to read Buchanan's book, I can't "force" anyone to read even this one chapter, but I'm asking that you take a moment now - just invest a couple of minutes of your time - and start reading the chapter. Give it a few pages... give it a few minutes... if you're not hooked - not impressed - after getting a few pages into the chapter, well, then at least you've "humored" me at no appreciable cost to yourself in time or effort.

Think of the other possible outcome though! What if after reading a few pages you conclude, "hey, Bill's got something here; Buchanan is making a lot of sense!" In that case the exercise has been well worth the effort - indeed, you'll want to finish reading the chapter; better yet, this "taste" may convince you to read the entire book - either for free online or via borrowing a physical copy (or perhaps audio-book) from the library, or, even purchasing your own copy!

To each of you reading this post... the ball's in your court.

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